Thursday, 4 October 2012

Khushi plan to catch Shyam! 04/10/2012

Arnav cant wait much to get Shyam kicked out of his house but Khushi is thinking more calmly and knows that if she calls the police they have no evidence so to collect the evidence against Shyam, Khushi made a plan that Arnav is not too keen of as always. Khushi has planned to make Shyam seem as if he has become delusional and is seeing things.1st she put glass on Shyam s razor and when Shyam cut himself and told Anjali Anjali did not see any glass... then Shyam says that he has been getting prank calls but when Anjali picked up his mobile it was his Secretary .. next Khushi put glass in his socks and when Shyam cut himself again, Anjali did not find any glass as NK has been hiding all the evidence of the glass when Shyam was too busy complaining.. later Khushi acts with Arnav . Khushi pretends to shout at Arnav because he doesn't take his medicine.. Anjali asks why he needs medicine and Khushi replies because he has been having nightmares and wakes up at night saying he is seeing things, Anjali then says that her husband Shyam has also been seeing things and Khushi advice's Anjali to give Shyam the medicine that was given for Arnav which was in fact "miscarriage medicine" that Shyam swapped when trying to get rid of Anjalis baby which failed. the whole aim is to get Shyam to confess and slip out the truth.. PRECAP: Shyam calls Anjali and says "is this the medicine you gave me! miscarriage medicine" Anjali is shocked and probably wondering how does he know this is miscarriage medicine?

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