Are you getting this block notice on youtube videos when trying to watch scenes or any video from indian serials.
Eg. Navz VirManNishal youtube user uploads virat and maanvi scenes that I watch,but because I live in the UK/USA im unable to watch it,I HAVE RESTRICTIONS! how is that fair..i find that Racist o.O (Only Joking) why cant i live in UK and watch indian stuff,HUH!? WHY!?..well i dont care about the damn resitriction,i can see them anyways because i know a trick which i will share with all my freinds out there who also dont want to miss those indian Saas bahu serials,well what you do is you
go to a proxy list site,such as
or more specific to indian dramas choose a proxy with good connection and then copy the proxy no. and remember the short port number.
Then click on the start button and search internet options go to connections tab
click on LAN Settings,tick on the small box under Proxy Server
go to advanced,past the port number besides HTTP box and type the port number you remembered beside the proxy number and then press OK and your done,all you do next is refresh the youtube window.
if you need i will upload a video just comment below specific on indian dramas only!
Friday, 28 December 2012
Punaar Vivah 28th December
Aarti finds out in todays episode that Yash knows about Prashant and Her,As she realises that the gallery of her photos was by Yash and not prashant and is confident that Yash heard the confession and is ready to tell Yash everything and proove that she loves him and not prashanth where on the other hand Yash wanst to reunite Arti and prashanth her 1st Love as he believes that you can never forget your first love especially since he is still alive.
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click on this link just to protect your computer/laptop from those rubbish that can clog your computer and make it really slow,just a simple download and the rest is done for you.Its a awesome software.
SMARTPCFIXER Free,and Painless.
Thursday, 27 December 2012
on Ek Hazaaron mein Meri behna hai Viren slapped Jaiswal for bad mouthing Jeevika,He then threatened Jaiswal that he will make Jaiswal rot in jail,on the precap viren declares neither did jeevika or Virat murdered Karan,I believe that Jaiswal was outside Karans house and he saw everything and also timed the shooting,he shot karan when jeevika held the Gun which was empty or full... Jaiswal tried to frame anyone in the family for revenge on Viren the lawyer and now Viren will find out everything!.
Therefore Jeevika and Virat will both be safe and sound very soon :D Horraayy!
Therefore Jeevika and Virat will both be safe and sound very soon :D Horraayy!
Friday, 21 December 2012
Qubool hai 22nd dec
Today on Qubool Hai
Nikhatt,Nushat and Aayan are at the diner table,Shabnam (Ayans Mother) is upset that noone wished her for her wedding anniverery with Rashid,Aayan asks Nikhatt where is Humera and Nushat tells him that Humeira hasn't been herself lately,Humeira is at her bedroom looking at the clock and is terrified by the thought of what happened,Nadeem trying to attack her in the park.
Zoya goes to meet Akram the guy she run away from on her wedding day at the cafe that Asad set-up,Zoya apologizes for what she done and tells Akram that she didnt want to be forced into the Nikaah( wedding) and that she found his family members like goons so she had no other option to run away from the wedding,Akram tells her that does she really believe he came to meet her and accept her apology,Akram got some goons in the cafe to forcefully marry Zoya,Zoya gets scared looking at the goon and remembers them from when she ran away from the wedding.
Humera is still very scared she goes off at Aayan and tells him that she was stupid for believing in true love,She rans away from him and sees a message on the computer screen,its from Nadeem theres a picture of Humeira photoshopped wearing a gown,Nadeem blackmails humeira saying if she doesnt meet him alone he will send the picure to her dad,Frightened humeira goes to meet Nadeem,Ayan finds the picture.
Humeira is scared and is being teased by Nadeem,Aayan in his odd filmy style with his shoes on his hands hits Nadeem and starts beating Nadeem Up,However at the end Nadeem has his friends to beat up Ayan,will Ayan manage to save Humeira's Dignity?...
Precap: Zoya calls Asad Mother,the phone calls cuts off,Asad mum is very scared,Asad tells her that he will go to the cafe to find zoya.Will Aayan find out the real truth of the evil Akram and save zoya or will he let it happen.
Nikhatt,Nushat and Aayan are at the diner table,Shabnam (Ayans Mother) is upset that noone wished her for her wedding anniverery with Rashid,Aayan asks Nikhatt where is Humera and Nushat tells him that Humeira hasn't been herself lately,Humeira is at her bedroom looking at the clock and is terrified by the thought of what happened,Nadeem trying to attack her in the park.
Zoya goes to meet Akram the guy she run away from on her wedding day at the cafe that Asad set-up,Zoya apologizes for what she done and tells Akram that she didnt want to be forced into the Nikaah( wedding) and that she found his family members like goons so she had no other option to run away from the wedding,Akram tells her that does she really believe he came to meet her and accept her apology,Akram got some goons in the cafe to forcefully marry Zoya,Zoya gets scared looking at the goon and remembers them from when she ran away from the wedding.
Humera is still very scared she goes off at Aayan and tells him that she was stupid for believing in true love,She rans away from him and sees a message on the computer screen,its from Nadeem theres a picture of Humeira photoshopped wearing a gown,Nadeem blackmails humeira saying if she doesnt meet him alone he will send the picure to her dad,Frightened humeira goes to meet Nadeem,Ayan finds the picture.
Humeira is scared and is being teased by Nadeem,Aayan in his odd filmy style with his shoes on his hands hits Nadeem and starts beating Nadeem Up,However at the end Nadeem has his friends to beat up Ayan,will Ayan manage to save Humeira's Dignity?...
Precap: Zoya calls Asad Mother,the phone calls cuts off,Asad mum is very scared,Asad tells her that he will go to the cafe to find zoya.Will Aayan find out the real truth of the evil Akram and save zoya or will he let it happen.
Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behna Hai 22nd Dec
Written update for today's episode.
Viren and Maanvi in the car looking at the camcorder,viren becomes frustated looking at Karan touching Jeevika,Meanwhile at the Vadhera house jeevika tells the family to not hate Virat as she is the one who killed Karan,Swamini asks her why when viren enters and says "Main batha thi hoon"(I will tell you why)".he gives the camcorder to chachu and dada ji and chachu realise that karan was evil.Virat in jail is worried if viren tells the truth and jeevika gets arrested and virat says he will not let jeevika get the punishment,Viren is in a muddle whether to choose his wife or his brother,Jeevika comforts viren and tells him that nomatter where she is she will always be close to him,viren tells her that she will never be far from him and hugs her they both scared.Maanvi missed virat and is feeling alone in bed,and everyone at vadhera house is upset.
has Karans plan come true when he is dead to ruin the vadhera family or was this his plan the whole time?
Viren and Maanvi in the car looking at the camcorder,viren becomes frustated looking at Karan touching Jeevika,Meanwhile at the Vadhera house jeevika tells the family to not hate Virat as she is the one who killed Karan,Swamini asks her why when viren enters and says "Main batha thi hoon"(I will tell you why)".he gives the camcorder to chachu and dada ji and chachu realise that karan was evil.Virat in jail is worried if viren tells the truth and jeevika gets arrested and virat says he will not let jeevika get the punishment,Viren is in a muddle whether to choose his wife or his brother,Jeevika comforts viren and tells him that nomatter where she is she will always be close to him,viren tells her that she will never be far from him and hugs her they both scared.Maanvi missed virat and is feeling alone in bed,and everyone at vadhera house is upset.
has Karans plan come true when he is dead to ruin the vadhera family or was this his plan the whole time?
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Ek hazaaron mein meri behna hai 19th dec
Whilst Virat is at jail,viren pleads for virats bail but does not get one,he is upset and scared and tells jeevika that if Virat won't help himself and speak up then he is only a lawyer and not god and will be helpless,jeevika asks viren if Virat pleads guilty what will be his punishment ,viren
says life sentence .Maanvi finds out that Virat doesn't get bail and realises that jeevika might tell the truth to viren if she sees his helplessness,Maanvi runs towards jeevika a bedroom,jeevika assures viren that Virat won't get punished and reveals to him that she is the real murderer and Maanvi enters.. Viren is shocked and asks her if she knows what she is saying,jeevika says that what she said is the truth and tells him what happened at the scene of the murder.Virat goes to court for virats case and tells virat that he knows the truth and virats prosecution is not announced.viren asks Maanvi to give all the details,Maanvi tells her that at the time she was at Karen's house she was holding a camera that she briefly remembers was switched on,viren believes that the camera will contain everything including evidence on jeevika defence for her sister.Precap:Maanvi and viren at Karans house and viren asks Maanvi where did Karan snatch the camera and she points towards the point when a police officers enters the house...
says life sentence .Maanvi finds out that Virat doesn't get bail and realises that jeevika might tell the truth to viren if she sees his helplessness,Maanvi runs towards jeevika a bedroom,jeevika assures viren that Virat won't get punished and reveals to him that she is the real murderer and Maanvi enters.. Viren is shocked and asks her if she knows what she is saying,jeevika says that what she said is the truth and tells him what happened at the scene of the murder.Virat goes to court for virats case and tells virat that he knows the truth and virats prosecution is not announced.viren asks Maanvi to give all the details,Maanvi tells her that at the time she was at Karen's house she was holding a camera that she briefly remembers was switched on,viren believes that the camera will contain everything including evidence on jeevika defence for her sister.Precap:Maanvi and viren at Karans house and viren asks Maanvi where did Karan snatch the camera and she points towards the point when a police officers enters the house...
Qubool Hai
Will Azad kick Zoya out of his house knowing that she ran away from her wedding when he has a young sister at home who he will think is being negatively influenced by Zoya, will Zoya tell the real truth to Asad of her arrival from USA to India,will Asad start to sympathise towards qubool hai( I accept)
Madhubala NEW PROMO
On the new promo 20th dec Rk is at a party and is angry that the person who has invited him has not yet arrived as he doesnt like late entries after him ;D,He was just about to leave when the show started someone jumps out of a box infront of him,just to be seen that it is MADHUBALAS REAL FATHER!,, will this distant madhu and rk or bring them more closer to eachother,Madhu real father used to treat madhu and trishna very poorly when they were a child he used to practice gun shots using them and madhus mother ran away with her children many years ago and now this dark shadow has arrived again and in front of RK.
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Jeevika tells viren the truth 18th dec
jeevika who is going insane in guilt as she shot karan for maanvi will reveal the truth to her husband/lawyer Viren vadhera,will viren support his wife or his duties as a lawyer? or a brother?
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Virat and Maanvi " I trust You" Camcorder Recoring
Maanvi is upset thinking about how Karan will ruin the Vadhera Family and how easily he is blending them in the blender and gaining everyones trust,she tries to convince Virat and Virat tells her that he will believe anything that she says with his eyes closed,if she tells him that its morning when its night then it will be true because thats how much he loves her,Maanvi is happy knowing that this is so and smiles for virat's camera.
Such a romantic Episode.
- If you want any specific scene of virat maanvi to be uploaded please contact me by comment or message and I will upload any Virman Scenes...
Madhubala and Rk 14th Dec
Rk who has confessed his love to Madhubala in madhubala ek ishq ek junoon,Madhu has also confessed but Rk is not commited to her as he believes madhu wants only the SUPERSTAR RK for fam and money and doesnt Love rishabh,this happened when Rk asked Madhu to run away with him and settle down in a small house somewhere far,at first madhu was alright with the idea but when rk Became more serious,madhu became silent and started thinking about her family which Rk misunderstood it by her not being commited to the simple life with Rishabh Kundra and not Rk. will Madhu be able to express her love for rishabh for himself and not RK THE SUPERSTAR?.
Saturday, 15 December 2012
ek hazaaron ein meri behna hai
As we have seen on ek hazaaron mein meri behna hai, virat has taken the blame of jeevika murdering Karan for Maanvi as he beleives that jeevika sacrificed alot of Maanvi and as Maanvi is his other life,he will repay the favour by taking her sentence even if it means his own life,however IF YOU REMEMBER... maanvi was recording Karans confession of saying that he's purpose is ruining the vadhera family that he snatched off and threw at the plant,I beleive that the Camera caught everything,the whole thing!... That Jeevika shot karan as proection of her sisters and that virat is not to blame,this will be pure evidence for everything to go right for Vadhera family and the court sentence,hope viren finds the tape before it goes in the hands of Jaiswal.
this will solve any misunderstandings of Swamini and solve everything.
this will solve any misunderstandings of Swamini and solve everything.
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Accidental Murder of Karan
Jeevika accidently presses the trigger on the gun when threatening Karan to let go of Maanvis throat,obviously we all know jeevika is very nice and she will do anything for maanvi,this accident has lead maanvi to confess that she will take the balem as everyone knows that she wanted to find out about karan but jeevika is in shock,virat walks in and hears eveything he will persuade maanvi and jeevika to leave before the police,he takes the gun and will surrender himself in! WHAT WILL THIS DO TO THE VADERRA FAMILY AND REPUTATION and especially for Virats career?! will it break the vadhera family up forever or will it be the end for maanvi and jeevika in vadhera house? wait to watch the current dramatic adrenaline boosting track on ek hazaaron mein meri behna hai,
Monday, 10 December 2012
Rk and Madhubala Romance 10/12/2012
Madhubala and rk romance are blooming,Yesterday Madhubala and rk romance over a song and then the nearly Kiss,was disappointing that never happened,Madhu wants to officially announce rk as her husband and invited him to his mothers house hope she doesn't get disappointed by rk,rk does seem like he is falling for madhu but hope he doesn't change his mind or get misunderstanding or just playing with her feelings.
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Virat Maanvi 6th dec 2012
Virat and Maanvi decide to quit the sur of sartaz as they believe that their marriage is the most important thing in their life and nothing cat bring happiness apart from each others companionship,The judges plead them to sing and they decide that they will sing but not separely but together for the sake of the audience/fans! the beautifully sing "Mere haath main from Fanaa"... the results were just to be told when virat and maanvi tell the host that they dont want to hear the winner and want the award to go to the 2nd runner up! and not to them,Maanvi and virat walk out very proud and together.Very happy to see their strong enternal love for eachother,PRECAP" Maanvi overhears karan speaking on the phone to the news writer saying that he was the one who spread the rumours about Virmans divorce and that the writer must repay his favour!"
Monday, 3 December 2012
Feud between virat and Maanvi
although virman promised each other that the singing competition wont come in between their love and marriage but it has due to the competition,media and public.Virat who was always passionate about singing is feeling frustrated that maanvi may have tried to get the public sympathy by spreading rumor that they are getting a divorce and she has already got a lot of sympathy because her surviving cancer story has spread the media already,Virat is feeling angry and slight jealous although he doesn't mind maanvi winning he doesn't believe that maanvi should have played the stunt therefore their is a huge misunderstanding between them,Karan is also stirring things between virat and maanvi,Maanvi is upset knowing that virat doesn't trust her and is know getting quite competitive and will try hard to win the competition,she doesn't want to get emotional bonded to the fans and virat doesn't want to do anything else apart from singing e.g. acting.
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Is it only me or have virat and maanvi after their marriage become unbelievably unromantic,maanvi has become the part-time detective and always worried that the singing competition will break her and virat apart but i think shes doing a pretty good job doing that without the competition,poor virat has given up in romance and maanvi who complains about being romantic at night times and as morning comes.. shes nowhere to be seen around virat?" common producers,just because they are married doesn't mean we only need arguments and less nokh jhoks and romance,we dont need intimate romance,just more eyelocks and appreciation of getting married,virat and maanvi portraying that marriage sucks and its better of as bf and gf where romance remains.
Its sad to hear but the show where we watched many funny,emotional,dramatic scenes is coming to an end,iss pyaar ko kya naam doon could have been watched for lifetimes if possible but the moment has come where the show must end," picture abhi bakhi nahi hogi""... I'm dearly going to miss barun and sanaya and hope they have a brilliant future in their work and succeed and become more developed as actors.They are amazing actors and brought smile and tears on everyone faces and the whole cast of IPPKND are amazing! expecially hello hi bye bye and mr NK random hindi dictionary and our sweet anjali di.
Friday, 23 November 2012
latest shocking news of iss pyaar ko kya naam doon, apparently arnav will meet with a car accident and his body will become missing,the raizada family will start to believe that he is dead,Barun is taking a long leave and the awesome show is coming to an end about jan/feb,arnav aka barun will be missing for the whole time and a new entry will appear,barun/arnav will appear near the last few episodes of iss pyaar ko kya naam doon,will definitely miss Arnav singh raizada,and hope he comes back soon and that ipkknd doesn't end so soon,cant wait to see the upcoming dramatic scenes.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Arnav and Khushi Parenting..! 14/11/2012
Arnav and khushi couples who lost their parents at very young age have now taken on the responsibility of being the mom and dad of Aarav!, Khushi who is completely bubbly and crazy and full of simplicty and tradition and arnav the hot-tempered yet sensitive buisness tycoon who always hated girls and kids,now a dad himself and adores Aarav.
Khushi and arnav having no experience of parenting or having parents have different views of how aarav should be treated,Khushi believes that aarav should be socialised properly and taught whats right and wrong and that you need to work hard to get what you want rather than just being angry and misbehaving,where as arnav wants to pamper aarav and make him more comfortable at asr mansion.Is aarav coming in between arnav and khushi relationship and creating barriers,Khushi has become competitve and wants to become tycoon and has taken tips once again of the tv channel,khushi wants to earn more money that the rich husband ASR. Arnav decorated aarav's room with boyish things to welcome him,however khushi belives that this will spoil him and make aarav unaware of the reality of life,arnav beleives that aarav needs to live his childhood and doesnt need to face the reality when arnav is alive to give him everything he needs.

Khushi and arnav having no experience of parenting or having parents have different views of how aarav should be treated,Khushi believes that aarav should be socialised properly and taught whats right and wrong and that you need to work hard to get what you want rather than just being angry and misbehaving,where as arnav wants to pamper aarav and make him more comfortable at asr mansion.Is aarav coming in between arnav and khushi relationship and creating barriers,Khushi has become competitve and wants to become tycoon and has taken tips once again of the tv channel,khushi wants to earn more money that the rich husband ASR. Arnav decorated aarav's room with boyish things to welcome him,however khushi belives that this will spoil him and make aarav unaware of the reality of life,arnav beleives that aarav needs to live his childhood and doesnt need to face the reality when arnav is alive to give him everything he needs.
Will aarav bring khushi and arnav together,or seperate them?
"Hisabh Barabar" or is it just love?... has rk paid back madhubala favour by releasing her maalik from jail or has he fallen in love with madhubala and doesnt want to cause any havoc and problems between the family and maybe properly settle down with Madhubala,Madhubala will go back to rk house where deepali has twisted rk mothers mind to make belive that madhu knew about maalik plan and knew about the necklace yet hid it from them.Rk mom will be left dishearted and goes to her room,madhu will insist to meet her mother-in-law were deepali ufcourse will take advantage and refuse and says.. leave the house... she pushes madhu out of the house where madhu falls onto RK and then goes... "HUM HAI DEEWANE TERE DEEWANA"... :D... what will be rk reaction to this behaviour of deepali?

Paying favours still hate eachother or has hatred changed into love overtime?
Paying favours still hate eachother or has hatred changed into love overtime?
EK hazaaron meinmeri behna hai-14th nov
Very emotional scene seeing swamini find her full-grown son karan after many years of thinking that he was born dead,Viren and Jeevika went on search for karan and eventually karan came to them coincidently when they got caught by a traffic police.Karan must be very well known as he seems to have hands with high commisioners,Is karan really swamini buas son? probably yes or could he be someone who found out about swamini's past or knows the real son and is pretending to be him...?.hope not so that the story doesnt drag on,will swamini forgive her dad for the lie? wait and watch EHMMBH
Monday, 12 November 2012
Lovely story in ISS PYAAR KO KYA NAAM DOON! sheetal got arrested and aarav has been adopted by arnav and Khushi! aarav is too cute! and feel very sorry for how he has been used by sheetal and deserves a loving mom and dad like khushi and arnav and khushi and arnav makes us all proud for having such a sweet and caring heart and accepting this child as their own and i'm sure they will live him more than anyone! Aarav is adorable and will be very nice to see more of him on ippknd,cant wait to see how he adjusts and his own room and all the masti and fun to come along and ufcourse the truth of his parents.
Thursday, 8 November 2012
NEW TWSIT AARAV IS not arnavs son!
Dhruv Singh Raizada To Be Aarav’s Father In Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doo?
In Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doo Lots of New Turns & Twist Going To Unfold ,As For Now Khushi Is Sure That Aarav Is Arnav’s Son & She Tells Arnav About It Also,But Arnav Will Refuse But In 9th Nov. Episode It Is Going To Unfold That Aarav Is Not Arnav’s Son.
Actually Aarav Is The Grandson son Of manorama maami’s and son of Dhruv Singh Raizada who is Aakash Brother & Living In USA,And Also Dhruv Will Be Seen Playing Negative Character In Future.
Sheetal Is Also Not Aarav’s Mother Actually She Is His Massi Who Has Come To Delhi From US In Search Of Dhruv, Who Cheated Aarav’s Mother & Ran Away.
Last Minute Change In Track May Be Possible As All Know Cvs Of Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doo Changes The Track Most & Doing Same From Last Few Months.
In Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doo Lots of New Turns & Twist Going To Unfold ,As For Now Khushi Is Sure That Aarav Is Arnav’s Son & She Tells Arnav About It Also,But Arnav Will Refuse But In 9th Nov. Episode It Is Going To Unfold That Aarav Is Not Arnav’s Son.
Actually Aarav Is The Grandson son Of manorama maami’s and son of Dhruv Singh Raizada who is Aakash Brother & Living In USA,And Also Dhruv Will Be Seen Playing Negative Character In Future.
Sheetal Is Also Not Aarav’s Mother Actually She Is His Massi Who Has Come To Delhi From US In Search Of Dhruv, Who Cheated Aarav’s Mother & Ran Away.
Last Minute Change In Track May Be Possible As All Know Cvs Of Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doo Changes The Track Most & Doing Same From Last Few Months.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Maanvi Breaks Her Karvachaut
A little birdie tells me that.. on ehmmbh maanvi and jeevika will be keepng fast for their husbands where maanvi will be asked to break her fast due to her medical condition where maanvi breaks her fast after refusing plenty of times,This i think wll be a sign that Virat might be in approaching danger as karvachaut is for the longlife of husbands therefore maanvi not keeping it might be a warning,hope not but knowing the indian serials and the faith and superstition this may be expected
Monday, 5 November 2012
5th Nov-Aarav is Arnavs SON!
the all expected truth is finally out after khushi reads the DNA reports,Aarav is actualy aarav singh raizada,arnavs son!... this shock has left me gobsmacked and very dissapointed yet eager to see what happened next not sure about you! i feel so sorry for khushi and aarav and a little for sheetal.this will create alot of problems for khushi and arnav but im sure their love is stronger than anything and everything will go smoothly.
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Karan too kind for a stranger?
Recently we seen karan buying the chaudharys house and then giving it back to them because aparently they helped his dad,but is the truth too kind to be believed,i Believe that karan is upto something and that something is revenge on swamini!,Karan may possibly be swamini buas son from the past as we recently been seeing alot about swaminis past and how she realy liked somebody that she was upto even leaving the vadhera house.
Aarav and Arnavs Relatioship!
Those viewers who told me that they have not been watching the current track on IPKKND where the viewers are left in a dazzle if aarav who acts,talks and feels like arnav,whether he really is arnavs and sheetals past!, however sorry to disappoint the viewers but those who said they dont like this track might aswell quit watching ippknd because recent news said that on IPKKND the secret truth will be revealed that Aarav IS actually Arnavs Son!... So dont miss it, Kushi will feel sorry for aarav and try to bond arnav and aarav together however Arnav will not know about this,Khushi understands how it feels to be seperated from parents and doesnt want aarav to be the same,Will this secret create problems between arnav and khushi or will it bring them together?
Saturday, 20 October 2012
Madhubala Promo 22/24th October
Recently Rishabh Kundra's wife madhubala has been praying really hard for the surival of her husband rk!... RK HAS RETURNED from the face of death believed to be a miracle!... Madhubala cant believe what she has seen rk been going through and is very emotional and has fallen for rk soft heart!... madhubala in recent promo is shown to be crying whilst in bed near rk whilst thinking about the past where rk was in the hospital,rk wakes up and madhubala turns around away from rk to hide her tears but rk knows she is crying and gives her tissue that she wipes her tears with and she has a very sad expressions :/..
Friday, 19 October 2012
Yash in love with aarti
Recent punaar vivah episodes shows that yash has accepted aarti pregnancy and wants to change himself but is unaware about the complication which could change everything! Does yash love aarti or the baby!?
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Yash Accepts their Baby
Yash finally found ansh and aarti and today he took aarti back home accepting aarti and his new going to be baby!
Sunday, 7 October 2012
9th Oct 2012-Shyam Caught By Anjali
Recent promos of Iss pyaar ko kya naam doon show that Shyam is in his bedroom and its dark, he is being very full of himself and saying how he killed his child and now he will ruin the whole family and then the light comes on and arnav khushi and anjali are standing right in front of him and have heard everything! Anjali goes up to shyam and gives him a slap!... will shyam be able to run away and will anjali be alright? wait to watch iss pyaar ko kya naam doon/
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Rishabh Kundra Against God (5th Oct)
Rishabh Kundra Aka. RK has had a painful childhood seeing his role model figure father commit suicide before his own eyes. Rishabh blames god for not getting him to the room to stop his father committing suicide,he also blames god for giving him all the pain. Rishabhs belief in god has been completely vanished,Madhubala Rishabh kundra will try to change his beliefs once again.
Khushi plan to catch Shyam! 04/10/2012
Arnav cant wait much to get Shyam kicked out of his house but Khushi is thinking more calmly and knows that if she calls the police they have no evidence so to collect the evidence against Shyam, Khushi made a plan that Arnav is not too keen of as always. Khushi has planned to make Shyam seem as if he has become delusional and is seeing things.1st she put glass on Shyam s razor and when Shyam cut himself and told Anjali Anjali did not see any glass... then Shyam says that he has been getting prank calls but when Anjali picked up his mobile it was his Secretary .. next Khushi put glass in his socks and when Shyam cut himself again, Anjali did not find any glass as NK has been hiding all the evidence of the glass when Shyam was too busy complaining.. later Khushi acts with Arnav . Khushi pretends to shout at Arnav because he doesn't take his medicine.. Anjali asks why he needs medicine and Khushi replies because he has been having nightmares and wakes up at night saying he is seeing things, Anjali then says that her husband Shyam has also been seeing things and Khushi advice's Anjali to give Shyam the medicine that was given for Arnav which was in fact "miscarriage medicine" that Shyam swapped when trying to get rid of Anjalis baby which failed. the whole aim is to get Shyam to confess and slip out the truth.. PRECAP: Shyam calls Anjali and says "is this the medicine you gave me! miscarriage medicine" Anjali is shocked and probably wondering how does he know this is miscarriage medicine?
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Detective Shyaam,has been caught by newly re-married Arnav singh raizada, Shyam put a webcam in arnavs room to spy of Khushi and him on arnavs suhagraat,the camera which was stupidly on the flower bouquet gt knocked over and saw by arnav! arnav whose not as stupid as shyam spot the camera and acted very sly like he saw nothing to catch shyam out, hope he gets shyam kicked out of the house and into the gutters where he deserves to be.WATCH ISS PYAAR KO KYA NAAM DOON.
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Jeevika betrayal towards Maanvi
Jeevika who always promised to keep maanvi happy will not attend her own sister wedding even though its happening in her own house with her own brother-in-law how will she not attend?.. wont it cause problems and how will she be able to apologise to maanvi when she will be living with her and how does her not attending maanvis wedding balances the fact that she aborted her baby,i really dont understand the telly ideas and storylines but oh well,anything to get the viewers watching.
Khushi goes missing in IPKKND
Yesterday arnav finds out that garima had an affair with his dad which was the cause of arnavs mother and dads suicide which for his whole lifetime he has been regretting and punishing himself and his whole childhood has been destroyed coz of it,arnav the whole show dreaded the day of anjalis wedding when arnavs mum killed herself,we can see that arnav loves his mum dearly and misses her after finding out arnav will not marry Khushi as he cant stand to see Garima after the wedding,khushi will then go missing..will arnav love khushi enough to go look for herthe wa she looked for him in the kidnapping days.
keep watching to find out iss pyaar ko kya naam doon.
keep watching to find out iss pyaar ko kya naam doon.
Friday, 21 September 2012
Jeevika never to have children
My prediction for Ek hazaaron mein meri behna hai storyline that i hope they dont use lol!
i think that jeevika will NEVER be able to have children,maanvi and virat will get married and maanvi will become pregnant,after knowing that jeevika cant have children she will sacrifice her child or may give her child to jeevika and give it jeevika and virens name.
i think that jeevika will NEVER be able to have children,maanvi and virat will get married and maanvi will become pregnant,after knowing that jeevika cant have children she will sacrifice her child or may give her child to jeevika and give it jeevika and virens name.
Monday, 17 September 2012
Kahani mein twist! Arnav and Khushi to Break Up!
After all the onscreen romance and getting ready for a remarriage arnav and khushi may break up! as we all know how much arnav loves his sister and his mother that he thinks about daily! probably more than khushi! new twist in ipkknd is that khushis mother Garima may have had an affair with arnavs dad which lead arnavs mother to commit suicide,after knowing this will arnav bare to see the face of khushis mother! nuuh dont think so! :/
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Aarti Drunken Pregnancy
Punaar Vivaah!
Aarti pregnant after the trip in mumbai!... aarti and Yash get drunk in mumbai when having a religious festival and the love blossoms between them two!,love their chemistry,yash does not seem too happy when he found out about the drunken night,yash had several flashbacks of Mumbai and Aarti remained confused and has forgotten everything until she faints and the good/bad news is revealed to her of her pregnancy and everything comes back to her! how will yash respond to the news of being papa to a new baby and yash feel like he has betrayed arpita.
Aarti pregnant after the trip in mumbai!... aarti and Yash get drunk in mumbai when having a religious festival and the love blossoms between them two!,love their chemistry,yash does not seem too happy when he found out about the drunken night,yash had several flashbacks of Mumbai and Aarti remained confused and has forgotten everything until she faints and the good/bad news is revealed to her of her pregnancy and everything comes back to her! how will yash respond to the news of being papa to a new baby and yash feel like he has betrayed arpita.
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Aarti back at saasural!
Yash will bring back aarti to his house after his family have been trying to split them up! :D its funny how at first the family wanted yash to get married and settle down and now yash wants to continue his marriage when at first he didnt whats bloody happening!? anyways i love yash and aarti couple so hope to see them rocking more onscreen!
30th May.. Arnav and Khushi to meet after a very long seperation/Holiday.. Khushi to be kidnapped and coincidently end up in the same place where Arnav has been kept Hostage! cant wait for this upcoming scene it will definately bring about some emotions.,their love path will finally make a new turn!
30th May.. Arnav and Khushi to meet after a very long seperation/Holiday.. Khushi to be kidnapped and coincidently end up in the same place where Arnav has been kept Hostage! cant wait for this upcoming scene it will definately bring about some emotions.,their love path will finally make a new turn!
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Khushi to find out the truth behind her wedding
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